Burning glass Technologies

Burning glass Technologies
Checktronix India Private Limited

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


In order to run VirtualBox on your machine, you need:
• Reasonably powerful x86 hardware. Any recent Intel or AMD processor should do.
• Memory. Depending on what guest operating systems you want to run, you will need at least 512 MB of RAM (but probably more, and the more the better). Basically, you will need whatever your host operating system needs to run comfortably, plus the amount that the guest operating system needs.
• Hard disk space. While VirtualBox itself is very lean (a typical installation will only need about 30 MB of hard disk space), the virtual machines will require fairly huge files on disk to represent their own hard disk storage. So, to install Windows XP, for example, you will need a file that will easily grow to several GB in size.

Step 1: After you installed the virtual box open the virtual machine wizard(All Programs->Sun Virtual Box) Click the “NEW” button.
Step 2: Provide the VN name(user defined) and select the OS type(For Eg., if you want to use Windows XP as your virtual os select Windows XP)
Step 3: Select Base Memory size. The Size should not be more than 50%. (Eg your RAM size is 1024 MB(1 GB) then memory size should not be more than 512 Mb i.e <512)
Step 4: Select Virtual Hard Disk(.vdi). If its not created in host OS follow the below steps.
Step 5: Select VHD(Virtual Hard Disk) type->Dynamic Storage is the preferable one.
Step 6: Select the VHD Location and Size
Step 7: Click Finish. Your VM has created.
Step 8: Before you Starting you VM review your settings.
Step 9: You can launch your VM

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Message of the day

More than 12,000 laptops go missing at US airports a week!

Researchers consider that the first search engine was Archie, created in 1990 by Alan Emtage, a student at McGill University in Montreal, Canada.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Message of the day

The computer programming language ADA was named in honor of Augusta Ada King. The U.S. Defense Department named the language after the Countess of Lovelace and daughter of Lord Byron because she helped finance and program what is thought to be the first computer, the “analytical engine” designed by Charles Babbage.

Sample PHP code for creating forgot password feature in any website

Find below the sample php code which can be used for implementing the forgot password feature.


if ($email_to == "") // Email address cannot be empty
header("Location: mail-password.php?send=Email not entered");
if(is_valid_email($email_to)) // check the valid email address or not
$subject="QualityPoint Password"; // Your subject
// From
$header = 'From: info@qualitypointtech.net' . "\r\n" .
'Reply-To: info@qualitypointtech.net' . "\r\n" .
'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();
//add code for selecting $userid and $pass for user table for the input $email_to.
// Your message
$messages.="Forgot password - qualitypointtech.net \r\n";
$messages.="-------------------------------------- \r\n";
$messages.= "Your login information to our website is- \r\n";
$messages.="UserId: $userid \r\n";
$messages.="Password: $pass \r\n";
$messages.="-------------------------------------- \r\n";

// send email
$sentmail = mail($to,$subject,$messages,$header);

if($sentmail) //if your email succesfully sent
header("Location: mail-password.php?send=Password has been sent to your email id");
else // Cannot send password to your e-mail address
header("Location: mail-password.php?send=Not able to send email");

else //Email address has not been found in our database
header("Location: mail-password.php?send=Email address not found");

function is_valid_email( $address )
$rx = "^[a-z0-9\\_\\.\\-]+\\@[a-z0-9\\-]+\\.[a-z0-9\\_\\.\\-]+\\.?[a-z]{1,4}$";
return (preg_match("~".$rx."~i", $address));

The step involved are,
1. First provide a form with input text box with name "email" for allowing the user to enter his email id.

2. On submitting this form, the "email" will be posted to the php page mail-password.php.

3. From user table, query the password corresponding to the entered email id. (If you have stored the password in encrypted form then reset it with default/random password and send this default/random password to the user)

4. Validate the email id.

5. Prepare the email message and send it using php mail() function.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Welcome To Editorial Team Blog

It's been a pleasure having you all here. A common platform to share our views. Educate others what we learnt, about new technologies, skills. But nothing close to proprietory of BGT's nature.

Monday, March 8, 2010



Virtualization is extending the computer so that it can run multiple os. For eg: We can run Linux on our Windows machine.

Uses of Virtualization:

one can run software written for one operating system on another(Even if the the real computer hardware is no longer supported by the virtual os)

After installation the virtual box is act as container, we can copy transport and back up between hosts.

One can save a particualr state and revert back.

It reduce the hardware and electricity costs.

Currently,Sun VirtualBox runs on the following host operating systems:

Windows hosts:

Windows XP, all service packs (32-bit)
Windows Server 2003 (32-bit)
Windows Vista (32-bit and 64-bit[1]).
Windows Server 2008 (32-bit and 64-bit)
Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit)

Mac OS X hosts:[2]

10.5 (Leopard, 32-bit)
10.6 (Snow Leopard, 32-bit and 64-bit)

Linux hosts (32-bit and 64-bit[3]). Among others, this includes:

Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 ("sarge"), 4.0 ("etch") and 5.0 ("lenny")
Fedora Core 4 to 11
Gentoo Linux
Redhat Enterprise Linux 4 and 5



Virus Name: Elk Cloner
When: 1982
Created and Distributed on: Apple II computer
Creator: Richard Skrenta. 15-years-old boy.
Damage: Didn’t do any damage, but displayed only the following message:

Elk Cloner: The program with a personality

It will get on all your disks
It will infiltrate your chips
Yes it’s Cloner!

It will stick to you like glue
It will modify RAM too
Send in the Cloner!

Interesting facts

The first domain name registered is symbolics.com

Google makes changes small-and-often. They will sometimes trial a particular feature with a set of users from a given network subnet; for example Excite@Home users often get to see new features. They aren’t told of this, just presented with the new UI and observed how they use it.

Friday, March 5, 2010

An overview of Regular Expression

Regular expressions are a pattern matching standard for string parsing and replacement. They are used on a wide range of platforms and programming environment

Sample Eg:



^ Start of line
\A Start of String
$ End of Line
\Z End of String
\b Word boundary
\B Not word boundary
\< Start of Word
\> End of Word

Model Building Related

You can go through this url in order to gain some more knowledge about names

Gallery is the php based Photo management application.

It is extensively using cache mechanism in server side to render the images and data quickly.

This server-side cache will be an head-ache when debugging the Gallery application after making any changes on it. i-e Gallery will show the previous result from cache, it won't reflect the latest code/data/image change.

In this situation we need to clear the Gallery cache.

Find below the steps for clearing Gallery Cache.

Go to below url from your browser

(Remember to replace the domain.com with your actual domain)

Enter the Gallery setup password and click "Verify me".

The "Gallery Support" page will be displayed.

In the above page click on "cache maintenance"

Clicking "Clear Cache" on the above Cache Maintenance screen will clear the Gallery Cache.

Clear the "Derivative" only when it is really required.